Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Saving class time with typing shortcuts

One gripe that I have heard a lot about students in the past five years is the lack of typing skills and the way that this interrupts instructional time.  While our district has taken steps to add to the time focusing on building these skills, there’s still only 24 hours in a day, so I thought I might share some ways that you can limit the typing for students or allow them to work on these skills during free time.

  1. Use the shelf on the chromebooks or create webpage icons on the iPads.
  2. Bookmark pages that students will visit frequently.
  3. Use a URL shortener like or
  4. Share to them in Hapara/Drive/Email and tell them where to find the link.
  5. Also in Hapara, push out a link to all students.
  6. Create a Symbaloo page for your class with all the links you need.  Students can have a shortcut to that, and then just click the tool they will use that day.
  7. Use QR codes to login (Greg is working on this for Elementary).
  8. In Chrome, use the App Launcher.
  9. In iOS, Air Drop to your students.
  10. Allow students to use one of varying typing skills websites, such as or, if they finish their work early.

If you have questions or need help with these items, please let me or one of your building tech helpers know.  We will always be glad to help.  Together, we will make 21st century learners that know where to find the W on the keyboard.

Image result for typing funny

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