Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Another great Screencast tool

Happy January, everyone!  Hope you're surviving this week of crazy weather.

Greg recently shared the extension for Loom with me - another screencast creator similar to Screencastify.  You can sign in with Google and create recordings of your desktop or just one tab.  Of course, when you start out, you have to give it all the permissions (to add the extension to chrome, to access your Google account, to use the microphone and camera).  Then it will come up with this screen:

To get started, you have to hit the Loom icon in your Google extension toolbar.

Then it will ask you some options.

Including whether or not you got a haircut recently!  (I did, thanks for noticing!)

After that, this is what a recording might look like.  Please note that you can pause your video while you are recording, which is a feature that does not exist in some other screencast creators.  Then the finished screen will take you here.

From here, you can see lots of options, such as sharing and editing the video.  If you invite people via Gmail to view the video, it will also tell you when they have done so.  This is a feature that Screencastify does not have.

Some ideas that this could be used for include creating an instructional video for students to watch at an independent station, having a substitute teacher share this video with your students on a day that you are absent, and having students create a reflection on a topic that they just learned and then share it to your email.  They could reflect on a finished project, a story that was just read to them, or goals that they set for themselves in a class.

Let me know your thoughts on this tool and how you are able to make it work for you!

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